Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Granny Panties

Today I have accepted the fact that the term "granny panties" is now applicable to me.  That is not the strange part.  The strange part is the fact that I don't care, and maybe even feel a little satisfaction and relief now because I can put down my weapons of denial and just wear the darn things!  I gotta admit, they really are far more comfortable and roomy...

I am part of the baby boomer generation, and now I have been assigned to a new subset, the "Granny Pantie Subset".  Who are we exactly?  What do we do all day?  How is it we are all not jumping off bridges like I used to think I would want to when I reached this age? 

We are the women who pass on all of the cute forwards we receive wishing us a nice day and telling us how valuable we are as friends, and how loved we are by Jesus, and how important our continued participation in remembering our troops is, and of course how much we totally identify with Maxine.  We are the women who's children are mostly grown and now we are discussing our grandchildren and wondering how we got here so quickly.  We are the women no one really notices much when we are out anymore, but we are still in our hearts young girls with deep passions.  Some of us may wear red hats and purple dresses, some of us may lead prayer at a pow wow, some of us still like to get out on the dance floor and boogie.  Our bodies age, granny panties become more accomodating of our needs, and our passion for life grows because we are truly starting to see just how precious it really is.  We understand the importance of friendships and sisterhood and sticking together.  We make life more beautiful, and we teach our children how to go even further than we were able.

Maybe that is why I will wear my granny panties with pride.  I have earned them...they are comfortable, and best of all they fit!

So long sistahs...'til next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following me, - you have definitely put into words what we 50 somethings are about. I am glad you have found something in your baskets. I too was made redundant at the age of 55 a couple of months ago and have now found more time to be creative and spend a little time on myself for a change. I have added you to my blog list, best wishes Betty from http://countryrosecorner.blogspot.com/
