Friday, September 25, 2009

Learnin', Earnin', Burnin'

Wow!  I just got notification that my application to Google AdSense has been accepted.  I am SOO stoked!  2 weeks ago I did not even have a good grasp on Blogging much less Google AdSense.  Now, I am a publisher!  LOL... I am not supporting any delusions of grandure as to how much loot I will rake in with Google AdSense.  The whole point is that Google AdSense is a milestone...  It is another chunk in my entrepenuarial puzzle that I am working on here.

There are so many tools!  Yesterday I learned all about HP Media Smart, HP Photo Smart, Windows Photo Gallery for scanning, and PHOTOBUCKET.  I really did not recognize the power of Photobucket was just a place to pick up an occasional photo.  I also got my new scanner figured out which made it possible for me to show you some of my own pix...i.e. my grandma and her sisters.  (I lost A LOT of photos when my other PC bought the farm.  I have been scrambling trying to replace what I had.  Now I have stuff on the internet.  I had a backup drive for my PC, but oddly enough it bought the farm before the PC did.)  Another thing I did was get a graphics program; it was a trial thing I had on my PC, and it was only $10. to upgrade to the full version... It is not PhotoShop, but it will do for now.

All of this "stuff" is really starting to take at least a shadow of a shape.  It is starting to get a little exciting, and I am really starting to look forward to my digital life each day.  Eventually, I want the digital part of my life to dovetail with the flesh and bone part of my life, i.e. my basket business.  I was thinking today it would be so much fun to get a little camper and go all over the country with Simba doing craft shows.  (Simba is my dog.)  I could get a good laptop and continue my digital life uninterrupted.  How cool would that be?  A Crafty Cyber Gypsy...!!!  My friend said in an email "the world is my oyster"

You are now up to speed!  Peace out!  Love Ya!

Proud member of the Granny Panties Subset

1 comment:

  1. Hello, i have been visiting your blog for a while now.... i love your baskets, i think your idea of buying a little camper and travelling the country doing craft fairs would be such fun.
    I would love to do that myself.
    I found you via my cousin Bettys blog Country rose corner, if you two met i bet you would be great friends, she is so talented and such a lovely person.
    Have you made any baskets yet for halloween or christmas, i look forward to seeing them.
    If you have the time please come over to my blog and take a look at my paper roses.
    Love Debbie.
